Configuring NTP Client on Linux
How Can I configure a NTP Client?
Recently I had this problem, where a Linux Server was with the date out of date.
The Ntp or Network Time Protocol is a service that synchronized with Ntp Server get the right time.
The NTP can be installed by using various package managers like BSD, Linux, Windows and MacOS.
I’m going to do a example with Linux because I prefer.
$ yum -y update && yum install -y ntp ntpdate
In this case I’m using the Centos version 7 running in Docker.
Ok, is it configurable?
Where Can I Configure?
$ vim /etc/ntp.conf
Search by line with server text, for example:
server iburst
So, Let’s change this information.
$ sed -i 's/.\' /etc/ntp.conf
Basically, this command replace centos ntp server per brazil ntp server because I'm from Brazil :).
Command Description:
- -i = Edit file in place.
- s/from/to/g = Replace texto into from to text after /.
Ok, Will We Apply the rules?
$ ntpdate #Same server that is into ntp.conf..
The command ntpdate does a “brute force” for apply immediately the sinchronization with Brazil NTP Server.
$ systemctl start ntpd.service
This command start the ntp service.
Thanks :D